all postcodes in WV5 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV5 7AA 9 0 52.536826 -2.308191
WV5 7AD 5 0 52.536784 -2.31049
WV5 7AE 4 0 52.533644 -2.314861
WV5 7AF 11 0 52.528695 -2.323434
WV5 7AG 3 0 52.529761 -2.304486
WV5 7AH 11 0 52.518431 -2.318953
WV5 7AJ 7 0 52.511692 -2.322938
WV5 7AL 3 0 52.509259 -2.326577
WV5 7AN 3 0 52.513325 -2.315585
WV5 7AP 2 0 52.520146 -2.301276
WV5 7AQ 5 0 52.523452 -2.305853
WV5 7AR 2 0 52.514422 -2.322298
WV5 7AS 15 0 52.522149 -2.285465
WV5 7AT 5 0 52.524699 -2.275282
WV5 7AU 3 0 52.532385 -2.289183
WV5 7AW 18 0 52.510214 -2.308977
WV5 7AX 21 0 52.541136 -2.262041
WV5 7BB 20 0 52.539652 -2.296268
WV5 7DX 17 3 52.53743 -2.304023
WV5 7BD 49 0 52.538632 -2.301495